Evergreen Care UK
To view the policies of Evergreen Care UK, please download the relevant pdf below.

Our values
To value every human being with due regards for their feelings, wishes and rights. To treat others how we would have them treat ourselves.
To work with others for the good of our community and to lead the way in care standards and influence others.
To apply Christian principles and have a genuine concern for people, to seek justice and bring peace in our dealings with others.
To excel in excellence in all we do bringing confidence to our community in our service of care and support.
To foster an ethos of care and service throughout the organisation and promote the Christian Care Values of love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control into the community
To incline on the side of generosity in our dealings with staff, volunteers, clients and the wider community. To value it is more blessed to give than to receive.
To guide all members of Evergreen through training so they will be skilled, equipped and adopt the correct behaviour required for their chosen area of work.
To oversee the work of Evergreen with sound governance and financial controls and use God’s blessing to serve our community.
How can we help you?
Why use Evergreen Care UK?
Evergreen Care UK is an award-winning local charity that cares about its clients and community.
Seeing the desperate needs that are, sadly, very often not being met, we believe there is a better way to treat people as they grow older and become more vulnerable.
Our staff have many year's experience working with older people, and our client's families trust us to provide peace of mind, safe in the knowledge that we deliver the level of care their loved ones deserve.